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What Really Happens on a Magic Mushroom Retreat

A colorful and psychedelic illustration of various types of magic mushrooms
An illustration depicting some of the diversity and beauty of magic mushrooms

Table of Contents

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go on a magic mushroom retreat in Jamaica? A magic mushroom retreat is a type of psychedelic therapy that involves taking psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, in a safe and supportive environment. Psilocybin is a powerful substance that can induce profound changes in perception, cognition, emotion, and consciousness. People who take psilocybin often report having mystical, spiritual, or transcendent experiences that can have lasting positive effects on their well-being .

However, psilocybin is not a magic bullet that can solve all your problems. It can also have negative effects, such as anxiety, paranoia, confusion, or nausea. Taking psilocybin without proper preparation, guidance, and integration can be risky and potentially harmful. That’s why it is important to do it in a professional and ethical way, with the help of trained facilitators who can assist you before, during, and after the experience.

In this article, we will share with you what happens at a magic mushroom retreat in Jamaica and what people say about their personal experience. We will describe the process of the retreat, the psilocybin ceremonies, and the personal testimonies of the participants. We hope that this article will give you a better understanding of what a magic mushroom retreat is and whether it is something that you might want to try.

The Retreat Process

A magic mushroom retreat in Jamaica is not a one-time event, but a journey that spans several weeks. The retreat process consists of three phases: pre-retreat prep, immersion, and integration. Each phase has a specific purpose and involves different activities that are designed to help you get the most out of your psilocybin experience.

Pre-Retreat Prep

The pre-retreat prep phase starts four weeks before the actual retreat. During this phase, you will have a facilitator intake call, where you will get to know your facilitator and discuss your expectations, intentions, and goals for the retreat. You will also receive some guidance and recommendations on how to prepare yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally for the psilocybin ceremonies. Some of the suggestions include:

  • Light exercise, such as walking, jogging, or yoga, to improve your blood circulation and oxygenation.
  • Meditation, to calm your mind and increase your awareness and focus.
  • Clean eating, to detoxify your body and avoid foods that might interfere with psilocybin, such as alcohol, caffeine, dairy, meat, and processed foods.
  • Group workshops, to learn more about psilocybin, its effects, and its history, as well as to connect with other participants and share your thoughts and feelings.

The pre-retreat prep phase is meant to set the foundation for your transformation and to help you enter the retreat with a clear and positive mindset.


The immersion phase is the core of the retreat experience. It lasts for one week and includes two psilocybin ceremonies, as well as other activities that complement and enhance the effects of the medicine. Some of the activities are:

  • Meditation, to deepen your connection with yourself and the present moment.
  • Mindfulness, to practice being aware and attentive to your sensations, thoughts, and emotions.
  • Group workshops, to reflect on your psilocybin experience and to learn tools and techniques for coping with challenges and integrating insights.
  • Immersion in nature, to appreciate the beauty and harmony of the natural world and to feel a sense of belonging and gratitude.
  • Farm-to-table meals, to nourish your body and soul with fresh and organic food that is prepared with love and care.
  • Digital detox, to disconnect from the distractions and stressors of the modern world and to reconnect with your inner self and the people around you.
  • Breathwork, to regulate your breathing and to access altered states of consciousness and healing.
  • Authentic cultural excursions, to explore the local culture and history and to enrich your perspective and understanding.

The immersion phase is where the magic happens. It is where you will experience the full power and potential of psilocybin and where you will discover new aspects of yourself and the world.


The integration phase is the final and most important phase of the retreat process. It starts after the retreat and lasts for three weeks. During this phase, you will have a group integration call, where you will reconnect with your facilitator and other participants and share your progress and challenges. You will also receive some breathwork and meditation modules, to help you maintain and cultivate the benefits and changes that you have gained from the psilocybin ceremonies. The integration phase is crucial for ensuring that your psilocybin experience is not just a fleeting memory, but a lasting and meaningful transformation. It is where you will apply what you have learned and experienced to your daily life and where you will start a fresh and new chapter of your journey.

The Psilocybin Ceremonies

The psilocybin ceremonies are the highlight of the Jamaican magic mushroom retreat. They are the moments where you will ingest the psilocybin mushrooms and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. The psilocybin ceremonies are not just random or recreational events, but sacred and meaningful rituals that honor the ancient and indigenous traditions of using plant medicines for spiritual and therapeutic purposes.

The Ritual and Symbolic Elements

Every psilocybin ceremony begins with an ancestral blessing or invocation, a call to the sacred directions. This is a way of acknowledging and honoring the ancestors, the spirits, and the forces of nature that guide and protect the ceremony. The blessing is accompanied by flute and hand drum music and other sacred instruments that create a soothing and harmonious atmosphere.

You will then be invited to share your name and experience with the circle, before taking an item from the offering to place on the Wanara, a place apart, used for healing and consecration. The offering consists of a selection of white, green, red/yellow, and black items, as well as fruits. The items you take are not random, but symbolic of what you require from the retreat, whether you are aware or not. Following the medicine wheel, the items represent the four directions and their corresponding qualities:

  • Red/ Day / East – Vision, insight, motivation, discipline.
  • Green / water / South – Medicine, healing, cleansing.
  • Black / Night / West – Understanding, listening , ancestors, sweetness.
  • White / Mountains /North – Wisdom, Knowledge, ingenuity.

The items you place on the Wanara are later given to the fire, as a way of offering your intentions and gratitude to the spirit of the medicine and the universe.

After sharing songs, you receive part of the opening sacred fire within a piece of cloth or a small bag to help anchor your intentions throughout the retreat. The fire represents the life force, the energy, and the passion that fuels your journey.

The psilocybin ceremony ends with a blow of the Guamo, a conch shell that symbolizes the voice of the ancestors and the connection with the ocean and the cosmos. The Guamo is a way of expressing gratitude and closing the ceremony.

The Setting and the Atmosphere

The psilocybin ceremonies take place in a comfortable and cozy room, with cushions, blankets, and pillows. The room is dimly lit, with candles and incense creating a warm and inviting ambiance. The room is also decorated with colorful fabrics, flowers, and paintings that reflect the culture and the spirituality of the place.

The psilocybin ceremonies are guided by experienced and compassionate facilitators, who are there to support you and ensure your safety and comfort. The facilitators will provide you with the psilocybin mushrooms, which are carefully measured and weighed according to your body weight and sensitivity. The psilocybin mushrooms are usually mixed with honey or chocolate to mask the bitter taste and to enhance the absorption.

The psilocybin ceremonies last for about four to six hours, depending on the dose and the individual response. During the ceremonies, you will be encouraged to lie down, close your eyes, and listen to the music that is played. The music is specially selected and curated to match the phases and the moods of the psilocybin experience. The music ranges from ambient and instrumental to ethnic and tribal, creating a rich and diverse sonic landscape that stimulates and guides your imagination.

The Effects and Experiences

The psilocybin mushrooms have a wide range of effects and experiences that vary from person to person and from session to session. Some of the possible effects and experiences are:

  • Visual, auditory, and tactile hallucinations, such as seeing colors, shapes, patterns, lights, sounds, or textures that are not there or that are enhanced or distorted.
  • Altered perception of time and space, such as feeling that time is slowing down, speeding up, stopping, or looping, or that space is expanding, contracting, bending, or shifting.
  • Emotional release, such as feeling joy, love, peace, gratitude, awe, or sadness, anger, fear, or grief.
  • Ego dissolution, such as losing the sense of self, identity, or boundaries, or merging with the environment, the music, the medicine, or other beings.
  • Mystical union, such as feeling connected to a higher power, a divine source, a universal consciousness, or a transcendent reality.
  • Insight, such as gaining new perspectives, understanding, wisdom, or knowledge about yourself, your life, your relationships, or your purpose.

The psilocybin experience is not always pleasant or easy. It can also be challenging, confusing, or frightening. You may encounter difficult emotions, memories, or thoughts that you have repressed or avoided. You may face your fears, your shadows, or your demons. You may question your beliefs, your values, or your reality. However, these are also opportunities for growth, healing, and transformation. The psilocybin experience is not a passive or a random one, but an active and a meaningful one. You are not a victim or a spectator, but a co-creator and a participant. You have the power and the responsibility to shape and direct your experience, by setting your intentions, by choosing your attitude, and by trusting the process.

The Personal Experiences

One of the most valuable and rewarding aspects of the magic mushroom retreat is the personal experiences that the participants share with each other and with us. The personal experiences are not only testimonies of the effects and outcomes of the psilocybin ceremonies, but also stories of courage, resilience, and transformation. The personal experiences are diverse and unique, reflecting the individuality and complexity of each participant. However, they also have some common themes and patterns, such as the challenges, the insights, the transformations, and the outcomes.

The Challenges

The psilocybin experience is not always a smooth and easy one. Many participants face some challenges and difficulties during the psilocybin ceremonies, such as:

  • Physical discomfort, such as nausea, vomiting, headache, or drowsiness.
  • Psychological distress, such as anxiety, panic, confusion, or paranoia.
  • Emotional turmoil, such as sadness, anger, fear, or guilt.
  • Existential crisis, such as doubt, uncertainty, or meaninglessness.

These challenges are often the result of confronting and releasing some of the negative or unresolved issues that the participants have been carrying or suppressing for a long time. These issues can be related to their personal history, their relationships, their traumas, their beliefs, or their identity. The psilocybin experience can bring these issues to the surface and make them more visible and tangible, which can be overwhelming and scary.

However, these challenges are also opportunities for growth and healing. The participants are not alone in facing these challenges. They have the support and guidance of the facilitators and the other participants, who are there to help them cope and overcome. They also have the tools and techniques that they have learned and practiced during the pre-retreat prep and the immersion phase, such as breathing, meditation, mindfulness, and positive affirmations. They also have the trust and the courage to face these challenges and to learn from them.

The Insights

The psilocybin experience is not only a challenging and difficult one, but also a rewarding and enlightening one. Many participants gain some insights and revelations during the psilocybin ceremonies, such as:

  • Personal insights, such as understanding their strengths, weaknesses, patterns, motivations, or values.
  • Relational insights, such as improving their communication, empathy, intimacy, or boundaries with others.
  • Spiritual insights, such as connecting with a higher power, a divine source, a universal consciousness, or a transcendent reality.
  • Creative insights, such as generating new ideas, solutions, projects, or expressions.

These insights are often the result of expanding and enhancing their perception, cognition, emotion, and consciousness. The psilocybin experience can open their minds and hearts to new perspectives, possibilities, and potentials. The psilocybin experience can also stimulate and activate their imagination, intuition, and creativity. The psilocybin experience can also awaken and inspire their spirit, soul, and essence.

These insights are not only valuable and meaningful, but also actionable and applicable. The participants are not only aware and informed, but also empowered and motivated. They can use these insights to improve and enrich their lives and the lives of others. They can use these insights to pursue and achieve their goals and dreams. They can use these insights to express and manifest their true and authentic selves.

Here are some of the quotes from the participants of ONE Retreats who have gained some insights during the psilocybin ceremonies:

  • “My first time ever doing any sort of plant medicine healing. From the very first virtual intake call, I knew that these folks were the experts in the ancient medicine, in preparing each individual client for their own specific journey and that they knew exactly what to do in all aspects of the treatment. Yoga, meditation, journaling, sound healing, breath work, deliciously prepared meals and beautiful accommodations, there’s nothing you need to worry about.”
  • “Great improvements in my daily life for confidence and self love. Everyone had our best interest in mind as they supported our every need.”

The Transformations

The psilocybin experience is not only a rewarding and enlightening one, but also a transforming and healing one. Many participants undergo some transformations and changes during the psilocybin ceremonies, such as:

  • Behavioral transformations, such as changing their habits, routines, actions, or reactions.
  • Emotional transformations, such as changing their moods, feelings, attitudes, or expressions.
  • Cognitive transformations, such as changing their thoughts, beliefs, opinions, or judgments.
  • Spiritual transformations, such as changing their values, principles, ethics, or morals.

These transformations are often the result of releasing and resolving some of the negative or unresolved issues that the participants have been carrying or suppressing for a long time. These issues can be related to their personal history, their relationships, their traumas, their beliefs, or their identity. The psilocybin experience can help them heal and overcome these issues and free themselves from their burdens and limitations.

These transformations are not only temporary and superficial, but also lasting and deep. The participants are not only different and improved, but also renewed and reborn. They can feel and see the difference and the improvement in themselves and in their lives. They can also feel and see the difference and the improvement in their relationships and in their environment. They can also feel and see the difference and the improvement in their happiness and in their fulfillment.


In this article, we have shared with you what happens at a magic mushroom retreat and what people say about their personal experience. We have described the process of the retreat, the psilocybin ceremonies, and the personal testimonies of the participants. We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of what a magic mushroom retreat is and whether it is something that you might want to try.

A magic mushroom retreat is not a recreational or a casual activity, but a serious and a profound one. It is a journey that requires preparation, guidance, and integration. It is a journey that can have lasting and positive effects on your well-being, your creativity, your spirituality, and your life.

If you are interested and curious about joining a magic mushroom retreat, we invite you to do some more research and to contact us for more information and guidance. We are a team of professional and experienced facilitators who are passionate and dedicated to helping you have a safe and meaningful psilocybin experience. We offer different types of retreats, depending on your needs and goals. You can find more details on our website or on our social media pages.

We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article and that you have learned something new and valuable. We thank you for your attention and your interest. We wish you all the best and we hope to see you soon at one of our magic mushroom retreats.



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1 Comment

  1. […] is limited to specific mental health conditions. This level of control is integral to ensuring the safe and effective integration of magic mushrooms into mainstream mental health treatment […]

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